General Guidelines
The purpose of the International Chapter Web Site Contest is to promote better communication both with the public and within our Chapters. All chapters are encouraged to publish a web site; districts are encouraged to give recognition to their chapters with web sites. Of the 800+ chapters in the Society, many can look to the winners in this category for samples of a good site.
A WEBC Chairman shall be appointed by the PROBE president not later than November 15 of the year preceding the contest.
The WEBC Chairman shall appoint six judges for the three categories with the assistance of the Vice President for Web. The scoresheets to be used follow these Guidelines.
The VP-WEB shall send a news release containing information about the WEBC, including the chairman's name, address, and phone number, to the PROBEmoter editor, The Harmonizer, LiveWire, PROBEmail, The Harmonet, Special Email Lists in time for publication. He shall also address a letter with this information to all district webmasters. A copy of these guidelines shall accompany those letters.
All chartered chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society with a published web site during any part of the previous calendar year are eligible. The chapter web author will submit an entry form to the District WEBC Coordinator.
The Chapter web author will complete the on-line entry form (available via the PROBE website). Entries must be accessible via the Internet and any passwords needed must be provided. Deadline is April 1 to the WEBC Chairman who will forward to the assigned judges.
Web sites will be captured prior to the deadline. Any changes made after the capture will not be included in judging. As some of the elements judged will be quantitative results during the previous calendar year, there is no advantage in changing a site leading up to the April 1 deadline.
Each member of the double panel shall judge a web site as entered. Scoring will be done in three categories, as follows:
Design & Graphics (D&G) - 400 points
Content (CON) - 400 points
Grammar & Style (G&S) - 200 points
TOTAL - 1000 points.
Reporting the Scores
Judges shall return by email all completed judging forms, a scoring summary, and evaluations for the WEBC to the WEBC Chairman by June 1. The WEBC chairman shall tabulate scores from the judges' score sheets and shall determine the final ranking of all entries. In case of ties, the Content score will break the tie. If a tie still exists, the Design & Graphics score will be used as the tiebreaker.
Announcing the Winners
Winners will be announced at the annual PROBE meeting at the international convention, and awards will be made to those present. Awards for those not present will be forwarded to the appropriate district representative for later presentation at a district function at which the winner can be properly recognized. The WEBC chairman will provide the results to the PROBE President & PROBE VP WEB in advance of the announcement of the winners. The WEBC Chairman will also distribute the results to all possible communication outlets. The First Place winner will have his/her name inscribed on the permanent trophy, which will be on display at Society Headquarters and also receive a personal plaque. Second & Third place winners will receive plaques.
All winners and noteworthy entries will be published on the PROBE web site and receive a graphic to display on their chapter web site.
Winners' Further Eligibility
An WEBC winner shall not again be eligible to participate in competition at the international level for TWO years. The PROBE Secretary/Treasurer will certify each web author as a paid member of PROBE for the year the web sites were published, and for the year they are judged.
Rev 01/12
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